Our Mission : We strive to help answer your question regarding your problems, diseases related to the Ear, Nose and Throat. It is free. Please allow 48hrs for answering.

NOT Our Goal : Its is not our goal to substitute the role of the physician. We are physicians, and expert in this field, but cannot replace the patient-doctor encounter. Please do not rely on our services in case of emergency.

Otolaryngologist, aka Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, treats conditions related to the Ear, Nose, Throat and the Head & Neck region.

Symptoms related:

Ear: Hearing loss, ear pain, ear discharge, tinnitus…

Nose: Allergic rhinitis, sneezing, nasal obstruction, sinusitis, nasal bleed, nasal drainage, post nasal drip, facial pain…

Throat: Snoring, throat infection, tonsillitis, aphthous lesions, change in voice, dysphagia, oral pain…

Head & Neck: Neck lump, thyroid gland diseases…


Ear: Impacted wax, otitis externa, otitis media, tympanic membrane perforation, conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus…

Nose: Allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, fungal sinusitis, deviated nasal septum, inferior turbinate hypertrophy, adenoids hypertrophy, nasal polyps, choanal atresia…

Throat: Snoring, acute and recurrent tonsillitis, vocal cords nodules and polyps, oral lesions, halitosis…

Head & Neck: Thyroid nodules, goiter, lymphadenitis, lymph node enlargement, submandibular gland swelling, parotid swelling…